The Ride to Planned Parenthood

Last week we received a call from a young woman, Donna. She and her fiancé were currently driving to Planned Parenthood for her appointment to have a surgical abortion. They struggled with the decision but felt that with their current financial burdens, it would be best. They have an 18 month old daughter and felt overwhelmed at the thought of feeding another mouth.

One of our client advocates answered the phone.

With sensitivity and compassion, she continued to engage the couple in a conversation. They discussed the reasons why the couple felt abortion may be the only solution. How would they feel afterwards? That they are in fact already parents of two. The father made a comment that” he couldn’t get this out of his head, that when going to a restaurant and the host would ask how many?” and this would trigger him to always think of the child they chose not to have.

Amnion’s client advocate expressed that although their struggles now seem overbearing, they are only temporary. Within six months or one year, all of this could be different. Choosing to end the pregnancy would remain with them forever. 

The client advocate shared that God was the creator of this baby and therefore He will provide and make a way. Donna began to cry, and said “that was her confirmation”. She was not going to Planned Parenthood that day. Instead, the client advocate prayed with both parents and scheduled for them to come into the office for an ultrasound and to meet with a client advocate.

They did just that! Donna and her fiancé came in to see their baby. Both were filled with joy and thankful they made the right decision. The nurse presented them with a Love Box, the box we give our clients when they make a decision for life. The love box has a onesie that says, “God’s Most Precious Gift” and other resources for mom and family.  After meeting with one of the client advocates, they signed up for our Earn While You Learn program.

That day in the car God spoke to this couple and touched their hearts. Amnion’s client advocate prayed with them, encouraging them that support and resources were available. We were delighted to meet with this couple and pray that the Lord will continue to bless them as their family grows.